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PZC Minutes 3-23-2010
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairman Patrick Kennedy, Bart Pacekonis, Mark Abrahamson, David Sorenson, Tim Moriarty, Viney Wilson and Elizabeth Kuehnel

STAFF PRESENT:          Marcia Banach, Director of Planning
                Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer

Chairman Kennedy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

  • Appl. 10-16P, Erik A. Nowak dba Nowak Family Chiropractic - request for a 5-year major home occupation to operate a chiropractic office at 146 Oakland Road, RR zone
Erik Nowak, applicant and home owner, presented the above mentioned application.  Mr. Nowak is a Chiropractor and would like to have his practice on the first floor of 146 Oakland Road and reside on the second floor.
Banach had a planning report as follows.  
 Application for a 5-year major home occupation permit to operate a chiropractor’s office on property located at 146 Oakland Road, RR zone.
The applicant is planning to operate his chiropractic office four days a week by appointment, Monday through Friday with no office hours on Thursday.  The proposed hours are as follows: Mon, Wed and Friday from 9 AM to 12 PM and 3PM – 6PM; Tuesday would be from 3PM- 6PM.  The applicant anticipates about 4 patients per hour during the office hours.
The applicant is proposing to convert 927 sq ft on the first floor into his office/treatment rooms (approximately 25% of the living space). He has provided a floor plan for the office area as well as the remainder of the living spaces.  There are no changes proposed for the exterior of the house with the exception of driveway widening. Clients will enter through an existing door on the side of the house.
The reasons for requiring PZC approval are to ensure that:
the home occupation is clearly secondary to the use of the building for dwelling purposes,
the home occupation is compatible with other permitted residential uses in the residential district,
the residential character of the dwelling and the neighborhood are preserved, and
all residents have freedom from excessive noise, excessive traffic, nuisances, fire hazards offensive odors and pollutants, and other possible effects of commercial uses being conducted in residential areas.
Performance criteria that must be met include:
maximum of 25% of the floor area can be used for the occupation;
occupation cannot be visible from outside the dwelling unit;
dwelling must maintain the character of a single family dwelling;
no entrance or exit may be added solely for the occupation;
no more than one non-resident employee allowed;
the occupation can not create a volume of passenger or commercial traffic that is inconsistent with the normal level of traffic on the street;
all parking needs must be met on-site; and
the Commission may require screening of additional parking from the street and from adjacent residential properties.
The applicant has indicated that he will have one non-resident employee as allowed in the regulations.
The parking requirement is being met within the existing driveway area.  The applicant is proposing to create one handicap space and room for three other vehicles.  We have requested that the applicant add some screening along the Oakland Road frontage to break up views of the parking area.
The existing house is served by public sewer and well water. WPCA approval is required.
There is a deck that was recently built without proper permits that crosses the front building line.  The applicant has indicated that he intends to remove the deck because it is not safe. We would request that a note to that effect be added to the plans.
A two square foot sign is allowed, the applicant has submitted a diagram in compliance with the regulations.
If this application is approved, the applicant will complete a home occupation form, which contains acknowledgment that the applicant will abide by criteria contained in the zoning regulations. The applicant would also be required to return to this Commission for renewal upon expiration of the 5-year permit period.
Also, the Commission might consider adding as approval conditions limitations on number of days and hours of operation, or number of customers per day, in order to ensure that the intent of the home occupation regulations is adhered to.
Engineering had no comments.  
There was no public participation.  
Commissioners asked if the applicant was planning to have Saturday morning hours for emergency visits.  

The applicant responded that he would have Saturday hours for emergencies and it would be by appointment only.    

The public hearing was closed at 7:40 PM.

  • Appl. 10-15P, CT Studios, LLC—request for site plan of development to construct 317,000 square feet motion picture and television studio, production and post production facility; and Special Exception to Article 4.4.5 to allow outdoor storage and activities on 40-acre property located at R011A and 245 Chapel Rd, R008 John Fitch Blvd, and 240 Ellington Rd, I-291 Corridor Development zone.
Attorney Ralph Alexander representing CT Studios LLC introduced the applicants, principals of CT Studios LLC, Anthony Delvicario and Ralph Palumbo. This project has received approval from IWA/CC as well as pollution control, and has received input from ADRC.  Dave Taglianetti, Principal with VHB Engineering, has an engineering report.  Bob Clinton, Civil Engineer will discuss the traffic study. Tom Gribin, architect with VHB will answer any question.   Craig Stevenson, Economic Developer for the Town, will have a brief presentation.     

Dave Taglianetti, P.E., noted that the site is a combination of four parcels comprised of 40 acres. It is bounded on the west by John Fitch Blvd., bounded to the north by industrial uses and Chapel Road, bounded to the east by undeveloped land and to the south by I-291.  There is a 250 ft wide easement with Connecticut Light & Power.  The biological wetlands is completely off the project site however some of the buffer extends on to the project site.  The proposed development consists of 4 studio buildings.  Each one of the buildings has two 20,000 sqft sound stages and 25,000 sqft of office space along with a 75,000 sqft mill building for storage of equipment and set production.  There is a proposed 30,000 sq ft post production facility.  Access to the project will be via Chapel Road and a 3 lane access drive off of Ellington Road.

Parking for the office buildings will be along the perimeter of the site.  There is overflow parking and temporary storage of campers.  The entire site will have perimeter fencing 8 ft in height.  Portions of the fencing that is in public view will be wrought iron and other parts will be chain link.  Water service will be via Chapel Road, negotiations are still ongoing with MDC as to whether or not the water line will need to extend into Ellington Road.  The approval from WPCA was received on this night for sewer connection to Chapel Road.  The project came before IWA/CC and received unanimous approval.  The storm water management was also reviewed at that meeting.  The design is state of the art, implementing best management practices and low impact development techniques.  The storm water management system is comprised of a closed drainage system collecting all the storm water run off from the paved surfaces and it is then infiltrated into a subsurface infiltration system.  The system has overflows to surface basins, the applicant is also incorporating hooded catch basins with deep stumps and rain gardens throughout the project.  The storm water management system maintains both the peak rates and volume for the 100 year storm event.

Site lighting will be provided via light poles and wall packs.  The site lighting is designed to be dark sky compliant; pole heights vary from 24 ft to 12 ft. and the luminaires are downward casting.

Bob Clinton, Civil Engineer with VHB, discussed the traffic report as follows.  Traffic counts were taken at the four signalized intersections, at the I-291 off ramp, Rte. 5 and Chapel Road.  Future traffic volume was projected using the current traffic counts to determine if the roadway could handle future traffic.  The results demonstrate that the adjacent roadway system will provide safe and efficient access to and from the proposed development.  The peak production periods occur before the morning peak of the adjacent road way and after the evening peak of the adjacent roadway.    The Studio traffic during production will be arriving before 6 A.M. and departing at 6 P.M.  The peak of the adjacent road way is 7:15 AM to 8:15 AM and the evening is 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM.  During this commuter peak of the adjacent roadway only 10 % of the traffic generated by the studios will be on the roadway at that time.  All of the intersections are projected to operate at an acceptable level of service.  The sight distance to turn out of the driveways meets the national standards of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials guidelines.  The applicant is proposing a left turn lane at the Ellington Road intersection so that the vehicles entering the site don’t inconvenience other vehicles traveling through the area.

Craig Stevenson, Economic Developer commented on the positive impacts to the Town.   The project will attract people to the Town of South Windsor and help with the revitalization of the I-291 Corredor.  This project will generate $276 million dollars in sales and generate 4,590 jobs.  CT Studio like their sister studio in Albuquerque will be involved in the community, in education and civic causes.  The IWA/CC was impressed by the level of technology that was used by the applicant.  

Banach had the following planning report.

Request for site plan of development and special exception approval for CT Studios on property located just east of Route 5, between Chapel and Ellington roads, I-291 Corridor Zone. The site plan application includes 4 sound stage buildings with 2 sound stages in each building, plus a mill and post-production facility, for a total of about 318,000 sq ft. Impervious coverage is 54%, maximum impervious coverage allowed is 65% plus a 5% impervious coverage bonus for 25 acres planned and developed as an integral site, for a total of 70% allowed. Lot size is 40 acres; minimum lot size allowed is 5 acres. The site plan conforms to frontage and setback requirements.
There are two entrances proposed, one on Ellington Road and one on Chapel Road. The Chapel Rd entrance is the primary truck entrance. Access will be controlled with a guard booth at each entrance. The entire site will be fenced for security and screening.
The special exception request is for outdoor storage and activities under Section 4.4.5.E, which the Commission may allow if you determine that the following criteria are met:
  • Outdoor storage is NOT allowed for products and/or materials used in manufacturing, processing, packaging and/or assembly of components or goods for sale or distribution; construction businesses; wholesale or retail sales (except garden/nursery centers accessory to a permitted use); or product distribution.
Outdoor storage must be screened from public streets.  The Commission may require that outdoor storage also be screened from abutting properties.  
  • Outdoor activities must be screened from public streets and abutting properties unless the Commission determines that screening is not necessary because the outdoor activities do not detract from the character of the development and the neighborhood.
The application also must meet the usual special exception requirements from Section 8.4:
  • The proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Plan of Conservation and Development.
  • The application has met the requirements of the zoning regulations.
  • The land is physically suited to the proposed use.
  • Minimal, if any, adverse environmental impacts are created.
  • No traffic or other hazards will be created.
  • The impacts on the capacity of the present and proposed utilities, street, drainage systems, sidewalks, and other elements of the infrastructure will be minimal.
  • There will be minimal or no adverse effects on existing uses in the area.
  • Surrounding property values will be conserved.
  • The character of the neighborhood will be maintained or minimally disrupted.
  • The general welfare of the community will be served.
  • There is a balance between neighborhood acceptance and community needs.
  • Historic factors are adequately protected; or due consideration to preservation of historic factors has been demonstrated.
  • The overall physical appearance of the proposed development is compatible with surrounding development and the Commission’s goals for the neighborhood/corridor.
  • The architectural design is aesthetically pleasing and blends well into the surrounding area.
There are no parking requirements established for this uncommon use. The applicant has a similar studio in Albuquerque, NM, so that facility was used as the basis for determining the needs at CT Studios. The applicant is proposing 506 standard parking spaces plus parking spaces for about 35 RVs used during filming, plus equipment and “star” wagon storage areas. Porous asphalt is proposed to allow stormwater infiltration. This would be the Town’s first experience with porous asphalt. Environmental Planner Jeff Folger has researched porous asphalt and has indicated that this area would be a good place to try the porous pavement and monitor how well it works over time.
The mill building will have overhead doors on all sides. Each sound stage will have an overhead door in the back, 8 total. All of the overhead doors on the sound stages face the interior of the site. The configuration of the site, combined with existing buildings along Chapel Road and the site screening, should result in the interior site area not being visible from any street.
The fencing around the site will consist of 8-foot high ornamental wrought-iron style in the more visible areas such as the entrances; and 8’ chain-link fencing with privacy slats around the remainder of the site. No buffer is required as this site is surrounded by industrial and commercial property.
Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed this plan on March 18 and was generally satisfied with the proposal. They have requested that the applicant use black chain link fencing to coordinate with the black ornamental fencing.
There is a 225’ CL&P easement with poles and wires that runs east to west through the site. There are parking facilities shown under the easement; we will need written approval from CL&P to build the parking facilities within the easement.
Site lighting consists of pole-mounted and building lights. The pole-mounted lights are similar to the lights used at Evergreen Walk; maximum pole height is 24 feet. Building-mounted lights match the fixture style of the pole lights. All are full cutoff fixtures as required.
There are no real provisions for pedestrian access. This site is completely restricted and will not be accessible to the general public.
Parking lot landscaping requirements for the I-291 Corridor zone are somewhat different from other industrial & commercial zones. The I-291 zone allows up to one acre of uninterrupted non-landscaped parking area. The 10% interior landscaping requirement still applies; the applicant has provided 16%.
Signage has not been designed as yet.
There are no regulated wetlands on site but there is a pond just off-site (see sheet C-6), and a portion of the subject site is contained with the 80’ upland review area. The application received IWA/CC approval on March 17 with a $25,000 bond to ensure proper placement and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls, and $50,000 for installation of storm water systems.
South Windsor Police Department has been involved in site planning and review and is satisfied with the site layout.
The Fire Marshal has also been involved in site planning and review. He is satisfied with the site layout and will continue to work with CT Studios on refining the fire safety plans.
Public water and sewer are available. The Water Pollution Control Authority is hearing this application tonight also.
The applicant has indicated that all dumpsters are roll-offs and are deployed where and as needed when the sound stages are in use.
The project will have at least two phases: the studio buildings as Phase I, and future hotel, restaurant and retail uses as Phase II. There may be sub-phases depending on site conditions and the need for surcharging for soil compression.
This site is not within 500 feet of an adjoining town, and there are no anticipated impacts on surrounding towns, so notifications were not required.
If this application is approved, Planning Dept requests that pins and monuments be added to all perimeter property corners and angle points as required.
Doolittle had an engineering report as follows.
  • The radius of the driveway exiting onto Chapel Road should be increased to at least 20 feet.  
  • The two new driveways should meet Chapel Road and Ellington Road at a clean saw cut along the existing edge of pavement.  There should not be cuts into the existing roads to construct these driveways unless necessary.  
  • I suggest installing a round about in the area where the driveway from Ellington Road splits to the main CT Studio Site and to future development/expansion to the north and west (Rte 5 and toward I-291).  This would provide traffic control at this intersection (no stop signs needed), eliminate the need for a temporary cul-de-sac, and provide traffic calming for full build-out conditions.  The round about center could be landscaped and signed as an attractive entrance to CT Studios
  • Why are the two exit lanes in the driveway to Ellington Road only 11 feet wide instead of 12 feet wide?  
  • I suggest the curbing be eliminated from most of the south side of the entrance drive from Ellington Road so stormwater can sheet flow off the pavement into the drainage swales planned there.  This would eliminate curb breaks that would have to be maintained and kept clean to function properly.  
  • What is the proposed cross slope of the driveway to Ellington Road?
  • On Sheet C-7 there is an 18” pipe shown crossing the driveway from Chapel Road.  Show what this pipe connects to on the east side of the driveway.  There should be a Flared End inlet on the west side of the driveway.  
  • On Sheet C-7 there is a note about an existing pipe on the west side of the driveway to Chapel Road.  It is not clear where this pipe will end or where the water from this pipe will go with the proposed driveway in place.  This needs to be clarified.  
  • Is OCS-1 large enough as a 6 foot diameter manhole for the pipes in and out of this structure?  
  • Why is there a LD outlet from Collection Basin 1 and a CB outlet from Collection Basin 2?  I suggest both these outlets be CB outlets for ease of maintenance.  The outlet from Collection Basin 1 should be moved to the east end to better align with the other pipe flows in and out of DMH-3.  
  • The 36 D entering DMH 9 from the north is at such an angle that over time it will likely create a backwater condition in the pipes increasing the need to properly maintain the system relative to sediments.
  • Label the undeveloped area south of Biofiltration Basin 1.  
  • The grass swales and possibly the water quality swales should be lined with erosion control matting prior to turf establishment to prevent erosion.  
  • The drainage discharge from the water quality swale along Ellington Road needs to be better defined with more contours and spot grades to insure no adverse effects along Ellington Road or I-291.  
  • The utilities are very close together along Studio Buildings 2, 3 and the entrance from Ellington Road south of the Guard House.  In a 10 foot wide section there is underground water, electric, telephone, data, fire, water and possibly other utilities.  These utilities will be difficult to construct and maintain.  I suggest they be spread out more.  
  • Change all the 4” sewer laterals to 6” laterals outside the buildings per Town standards.  
  • Provide estimated flows for the 3” sewer force main for future development.
  • Label the sanitary sewer pipe slopes on the plans.  
  • Show a profile of the utility pipes including sewer, storm drainage, water and others to insure there are no conflicts where these utilities cross.  
  • There two trees shown near the electrical switchgear manhole that look like they should be relocated to avoid conflicts.  
  • Provide pipe flow analysis and headwater calculations for the 100 year storm.  Show the rainfall intensity and time of concentration in flow calculations for both the 10 year and 100 year storms.  Clearly label all tables.  
  • The 10 year stomwater flows exceed the full flow capacity for some of the pipes, according to the calculation tables in the stormwater Management Report.  This will cause stormwater to surcharge in catch basins and manholes.  The pipe slopes and/or sizes should to be increased to remedy this condition.  I strongly suggest all stormwater pipes be installed at a slope of 0.5% or greater.  It is extremely difficult to install plastic pipes flatter than this and not end up with flat areas and bellies in the pipes.  
  • Still awaiting the mounding Analysis. Our concerns are with potential outbreaks and impacts to the slope along the railroad tracks/ROW as a potentially high volume of water moves through the soil horizon.
  • Need gutter flow analysis for 10, 25 and 100 year storms for driveways and for depth of flow in parking areas particularly in sound stage courtyard area. This question is even more relevant if (as shown) the roof leaders are to be discharged directly to the surrounding paved surfaces.
  • The Long Term Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Measures should be revised to include sweeping all paved areas 4 times per year and inspection of the Biofiltration basins and swales 3-4 times during the first year and semi-annually thereafter.  
  • The stormwater O&M measures for the site including all infiltration areas should be on the plan sheets as well as in the Stormwater Report.  
  • Concerned about the long term function of the pervious pavement areas and thus what the reserve capacity is in the Infiltration areas # 1,2,&3. Additionally, how will both the pervious pavement and all infiltration areas work in the winter months when there is frost in the ground and we get the typical snow melt and rain run-off situations?
  • Need intersection grading plan details for both the Chapel road and Ellington Road Driveway intersections to ensure proper drainage.
  • There should be a good plan detail for both elevation and construction for restoration of the sound stage court yard if said area is used for excavation purposes during filming. Additionally, there needs to be a plan included in both the design and the O&M Plan for containment of any volatiles and/or other chemicals used in the court yard areas or any other area on the site.
  • I did not see a detail for the Collection Basins or the Infiltration Areas.  How will these be constructed?  
  • The Biofiltration Basin detail on Sheet C-13 is labeled as a Bioretention Basin. These should have the same label.  
This site plan will need WPCA review and approval for connection to the sanitary sewer system.  

There was public participation as follows.

John Pelkey, 81 Norman Drive, spoke in favor of this application.  Mr. Pelkey visited CT Studios’ sister studio in Albuquerque and was amazed by how impeccable the site was.  After talking to South Windsor residents Mr. Pelkey found that all the feed back was positive.  Mr. Pelkey mentioned that in Albuquerque there was housing and a cultural arts center being built close to the studio site.  

Kathy Hale, Town Council member, is strongly in favor of CT Studios.  The council has set up an ordinance and procedure for filming so that the neighborhood is not impacted negatively.

Kate Evans, Executive Director, of the Chamber of Commerce spoke in favor of this application.  The businesses are in favor of the project and understand that it will benefit the Town.  

Matthew Galligan Town Manager, spoke in favor of this application.  Mr. Galligan mentioned that despite the economic downturn the movie industry is sill going and it is an industry that is much needed in Connecticut.  He thanked the Town staff for working with the applicant to bring forth the best possible project meeting all the guidelines for the zone.   The project was well thought out by staff and the applicant and will bring much needed jobs to the Town as well as the State.  
Peter DeMallie, 35 Petersen Way, spoke in favor of this application.  CT Studios affords the opportunity to further grow and diversify our local and regional economy, out tax base and employment opportunity in an attractive development with minimal off-site impacts.  The employment opportunities will keep the talented young workers from leaving for other regions.  

Ray Favreau, representing the Walk & Wheel Ways Committee, discussed the need for safe bike paths in South Windsor.  The Walk & Wheel Ways respectfully requests that the applicant consider walking and biking access around the studio for the public if permissible, or for employee use.  

Bob Urso, resident and business owner, spoke in favor of the application.  

Gerald Lewis, 681 Chapel Road, had concerns with commercial traffic that currently uses Chapel Road as a short cut between Tolland Tpke and Rte. 5.  Mr. Lewis requested that traffic be diverted away from Chapel Road.

Beverly Clarkson, 986 Chapel Road, expressed concerns with current excessive traffic on Chapel Road.  Ms. Clarkson requested that the construction vehicles be re-directed through 291 and away from Chapel Road.  

Wesley Farley, 487 Ellington, business owner voiced his concern about the type of jobs the Studios would bring to Connecticut.

The secretary read the correspondence for the record.

  • Commissions had questions and comments.  Responses will be in italics.
  • Commissioners asked about the speed of the trains on the railroad that crosses Chapel Road.
The applicant did not know the exact speed of the train.

Doolittle mentioned that he does not have the exact speed of the train however the times he has seen the train it has moved very slowly at about 10 miles an hour.

  • Commissioners asked for clarification of the traffic study in regards to the word “negligible” that is used in the traffic study instead of an actual count.  
The applicant responded that negligible means 5 or fewer vehicles.  
The applicant also mentioned that the site manager has control over the delivery truck vendors that are entering the site and will recommend that trucks travel through the 291 and Rte. 5 corridor.     

  • Commissioners asked about the landscaping plan.
Chris Shea, landscape architect with VHB mentioned that the landscape plan exceeds the requirement for the zone.

  • Commissioners asked how receptive the applicant would be to putting in sidewalks for pedestrians or employees who would be entering the site.
It would be up to the developer to decide if they will install sidewalks keeping in mind that there should be a balance between servicing the public and also providing the privacy and security that this type of development requires.  

  • Commissioners asked for clarification about what types of jobs would be available through CT Studios and who would be employed?
Creg Stevenson replied that according to the CT Studios’ construction manager, the vast majority of the construction jobs will be kept in Connecticut although outside firms could work on the project also.  This project is governed by project labor agreements therefore the vast majority of jobs will be union jobs.  The studio itself is a management firm and could employ about 100 people locally, there may be some specialists that could be from out of state.  Some security or maintenance jobs will not be union jobs and could be filled by Connecticut residents.  The production companies are large companies that will employ a vast number of people with unionized positions.  The highly skilled technical positions will probably be filled by out of state people who are specialists in their field.  Some members of those departments will be Connecticut people and CT Studios plans to train as many people as possible.  The applicant is already working with local 52 which is the union that represents employees in Connecticut that work on movie productions.  

Commissioners commended Town Staff, the Town Council, the Mayor and Town Manager as well as CT Studios for working together and bringing forth a great site plan.

The public hearing closed at 9:15 PM  


  • Appl. 10-16P, Erik A. Nowak dba Nowak Family Chiropractic - request for a 5-year major home occupation to operate a chiropractic office at 146 Oakland Road, RR zone
Pacekonis made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.

The business must be operated by the homeowner.
The permit will expire on 3/23/2015, and will have to be renewed at that time.
Only one non-resident employee can be hired.
Hours of operation are: Mon, Wed and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 3Pm – 6PM; Tuesday would be from 3 PM- 6PM, Saturday 9 AM-Noon.
Refuse from the business cannot be disposed of with residential refuse. Adequate arrangements must be made for business refuse disposal.
WPCA approval is required.
Any new building, or alteration/additions to existing buildings, requires a building permit prior to start of construction.
All temporary and permanent signs require sign permits.
Screening must be added to break up the view of the parking area. Landscape bond?
A note must be added to the plans indicating the deck will be removed.

Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

  • Appl. 10-10P, Maneeley Banquet Facility – request for site plan modification for a 6,000 sf building on property located at 65 Rye Street, I zone
Tomek Grajiewski, Zuvic Associates Inc. presented the application as follows.  The original intention was to replace the tent with a permanent facility.  The building department notified the applicant that the building needed to be up to code by providing fixed restrooms inside the building.  The applicant agreed to install fixed bathrooms inside to the north of the building.  The site plan was approved by IWA/CC last year and the applicant will be addressing the Engineering comments.  The site has 199 parking spaces and a wooden building structure will replace the existing tent.  

Banach had the following Planning report.  
Application for a site plan modification for a new 6,000 sq ft building with a 813 sf porch. The use of the pavilion will be seasonal primarily May through September, depending on the weather.  The proposed building will contain an area for portable kitchens with remainder to be used for a banquet facility. This building will take the place of the open air tent previously used in this location for temporary events.
The building coverage is 12.8%; 50% allowed and the impervious coverage this lot is 63.4%; 65% allowed.
The applicant’s original approval required 157 parking spaces for the uses on the site. At that time, the applicant built 199 spaces.  The zoning data block on the plans should be updated to address the parking requirement for the new building.
The applicant is proposing some work within the upland review area of the regulated wetlands. A minimal impact approval was granted for this work.
There is public water and public sewer available to the site. WPCA approval is required fort he sewer connection.
The proposed building is designed to compliment the existing facility. Architectural elevations have been provided.
There are no other site improvements proposed.
If this application is approved, the planning department has no additional approval modifications.
Doolittle had the following engineering comments.
  • This site plan needs to be completed according to the Town requirements.  
  • Show proposed spot grades and contours around the proposed building, especially where drainage swales are planned.  Show the FF elevation of the proposed building.  
  • Show where the runoff from all sides of the proposed building will go.  Provide drainage calculations for the proposed building.  Additional catch basins, drywells, pipes, and other drainage structures may be needed around this building to insure any additional runoff does not impact adjacent properties.  
  • Show any sanitary sewer laterals planned from the proposed building to the sanitary sewer main in the street.  Include pipe sizes, type and slopes.  Also show any grease separators and pump systems that may be needed.  A pump system will need to include provisions for emergency power.  
  • Show all other utilities to the proposed building.  This would include electric, telephone, cable, water, gas, and any others.  
  • Easements will be needed for any grading and/or utilities that encroach or pass over other nearby properties.  
  • Show a construction staging area and anti-tracking pad for this building.  
  • Show Erosion and Sedimentation controls for the proposed building site
  • Plans must be submitted to the WPCA for review and approval if a sanitary sewer lateral connecting to the Town Sanitary Sewer System is proposed.  
Kuehnel made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.  

Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission
An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
The building street number must be included on the final plan.
Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
Engineering comments of 3/23/10 must be addressed to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer.
The zoning data block on the plans must be updated to address the parking requirement for the new building.

Abrahamson seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.     

  • Appl. 10-15P, CT Studios, LLC—request for site plan of development to construct 317,000 square feet motion picture and television studio, production and post production facility; and Special Exception to Article 4.4.5 to allow outdoor storage and activities on 40-acre property located at R011A and 245 Chapel Rd, R008 John Fitch Blvd, and 240 Ellington Rd, I-291 Corridor Development zone.
Commissioners agreed that the CT Studios presentation was excellent.  They also agreed that although the traffic issues on Chapel Road are unfortunate, the CT Studios project will not negatively impact the roadways therefore the project should go forward.

Wilson made a motion to approve Appl. 10-15P, CT Studios with the following conditions.  

  • Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
  • No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
  • This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including bonds in the amount of $25,000 to ensure proper placement and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls, and $50,000 for installation of storm water systems.
A landscape bond in the amount of $25,000 is required and must be submitted prior to filing of mylars.
All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.11 of the Zoning Regulations.
  • All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
  • This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
  • The building street number must be included on the final plan.
  • Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
  • All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
  • No building permits will be issued until the State Traffic Commission certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
The Town Engineer’s review comments dated March 15, 2010, must be addressed to the Town Engineer’s satisfaction.
Pins and monuments must be installed at all perimeter property corners and angle points as required by the zoning regulations.
The perimeter chain link fencing must be black to coordinate with the ornamental perimeter fencing.
Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  
The February 23, 2010 minutes were approved by consensus with minor corrections.
Sorenson made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Pacekonis seconded the motion the motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

The meeting ended at 9:58 PM.

Respectfully submitted
Approved by PZC 6-8-2010

D. Maria Acevedo
Recording Secretary